Parent Area

Stay up to date with the latest news, information and resources for your child.

Upcoming Events and Key dates

May 2024

Every friday we visit crossways infant school playground to support children starting school this year with transition.

Every Tuesday morning mini athletics will be putting us through our paces.

Concept photography  

Duck trail around Thornbury – See our Facebook for more information

June 2024

Ducks are coming!!!

Fathers day


July 2024

Cattle country end of year party



Term Dates September 2024 – July 2025

Please note that the pre-school term dates are not exactly the same as school terms.

Term 1

7 week term

Starts Monday 9 September 2024
Ends Friday 25 October 2024

Welcome visits Thurs 5 Fri 6  September 2024

INSET DAY – Friday 25th October

Term 2

7 week term

Starts Monday 4 November 2024
Ends Friday 20 December 2024

Term 3

6 week term

Starts Tuesday 7 January 2025
Ends Friday 14 February 2025

Welcome visit 6th January 2025

Term 4

6 week term

Starts Monday 24 February 2025
Ends Friday 4 April 2025

Term 5

5 week term

Starts Wednesday 23 April 2025
Ends Friday 23 May 2025

Welcome visit 22nd April 2025

Term 6

7 week term

Starts Monday 2 June 2025
Ends Friday 18 July 2025

Committee meeting dates

Committee meetings are held once a term (6 per year) on Wednesday evenings, 8pm at our Crossways site. In addition we hold an AGM, when a committee is elected annually. All parents and carers are warmly invited to come along and get involved by offering any talents or experience you may have or even just a different perspective, the pre-school cannot operate without you!

25th September 2024

Other dates TBC


Fundraising and social events

We rely on fundraising to help us update and replace our resources, and to pay for visits for the children during the year. Thanks to the hard work and enthusiasm of our volunteers, we have been able to buy a fantastic range of equipment.

We are always looking for volunteers to help us organise and run our fundraising and social events, and to help us apply for grants for specific projects – if you would like to help, please get in touch.

One of the other ways that we can raise funds for our pre-school is through ‘matched giving’ schemes. Do you work for a company that offers matched giving as a staff benefit? It normally means that if the employee helps out at one of our fundraising events then their employer will double the funds that we raise. If you think you might be able to help, please let us know.

Please speak to any of our staff or committee members for ways that you can get involved, and don’t forget that all the family are welcome to help with fundraising too.

Annual Reports

Our annual report reviews our achievements over the past year, sets out our financial position and includes reports from our committee members. It also includes a short summary of our business plan for the coming year.
Copies of our annual reports are available on the pre-school notice board or on Companies House .

Ofsted reports

First Step pre-school is regulated by Ofsted, the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills. Ofsted carries out regular inspections of all early years settings and childcare providers, and publishes inspection reports which tell you how effective the provider is, what they do well and recommendations for further improvements.

We were was last inspected in December 2021, and Ofsted rated our pre-school provision as good, the second highest grade, in all areas.


Our pre-school policies help us to make sure that the service we provide is of a very high standard. Staff and parents/carers work together to create our policies, and they are reviewed regularly to ensure that we keep up to date with new legislation and guidance, and early years best practice.

Signed copies of all our policies are available at pre-school, and policies can also be downloaded here.

Registered office:
First Step Pre-School,
Knapp Rd,
Thornbury, BS35 2HQ

Call us: 01454 867283 (9 am - 3.15 pm)

Pre-school mobile (for use in pre-school hours): 07718 798826

Email us:

First Step Pre-School Ltd is registered in England

Registered Number 5885935

Registered Charity Number 1142554